
International Journal of Agronomy & Plant Production (IJAPP) is published by: 

Victorquest Publications 

Cope Committee on Publication ETHICS


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Publication Ethics

Scientific Research and Review Journal (SRRJ) holds the ethics of publication as one of its core values and as such, adheres strictly to internationally accepted publication ethics. To ensure compliance, SRRJ employs the double-blinded peer-review process for all articles she reviews. The rationale for SRRJ double-blinded peer review process is to validate the integrity and novelty of the research work. Peer review process adopted by SRRJ acts as filter and increases the quality of research submitted for publication. This process also help the authors to remove any errors or gaps in manuscript mistakenly overlooked and assists in making the research more applicable in real time.

Scientific Research and Review Journal dopts the COPE guidelines on publication ethics.

 Authors must confirm the following; that:

  • Submitted manuscripts must be the original work of the author(s);
  • Only unpublished manuscripts should be submitted;
  • It is unethical to submit a manuscript to more than one journal concurrently;
  • Any conflict of interest must be clearly stated;
  • The sources of data used in the development of the manuscript is acknowledged;
  • All errors discovered in the manuscript after submission must be swiftly communicated to the Editor.

 Reviewers are expected to evaluate a manuscript for critical analysis, comparative analysis and most importantly for integrity and novelty of the research work. Therefore, reviewers must confirm the following; that:

  • All manuscripts are reviewed in fairness based on the intellectual content of the article regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenry nor political values of author(s);
  • Any observed conflict of interest during the review process must be communicated to the Editor;
  • All information pertaining to the manuscript is kept confidential;
  • Any information that may be the reason for the rejection of publication of a manuscript must be communicated to the Editor.

 Editors must confirm the following; that:

  • All manuscripts are evaluated in fairness based on the intellectual content of the paper regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenry nor political values of authors;
  • Information pertaining to manuscripts are kept confidential;
  • Any observed conflict of interest pertaining to manuscripts must be 
  • Disclosed;
  • Editorial Board takes responsibility for making publication decisions for submitted manuscripts based on the reviewer’s evaluation of the manuscript, policies of the journal editorial board and legal restrain acting against plagiarism, libel and copyright infringement.